COVID-19 Green Alert

A green alert means that community transmission of the COVID-19 virus is occurring at manageable levels.

Saint Mark’s Church requires vaccine certificates for all persons attending worship, weddings, funerals, or community events held at Saint Mark’s School.

What our services will look like for the vaccinated:

  • No limits on numbers at Green

  • Children’s ministry and creche are able to continue

  • Those who are sick are encouraged to stay at home

  • Frequent use of sanitiser is encouraged

  • Record keeping/scanning required

  • Communion limited to one kind

  • Seated and separated for morning tea

  • Masks strongly recommended throughout (can be removed when leading worship,leading intercessions, reading etc)

  • Masks required when singing (except soloists/choirs at 2m distance)

  • Home groups are able to continue under government rules

  • 10am service continued to be live-streamed

What services will be available for the unvaccinated:

  • live stream the 10am Sunday Service on Facebook

  • Morning Prayer on Thursdays and Fridays via Zoom

Depending on numbers we also hope to do the following:

  • Regular home communion

  • Arrange for an extra weekly or fortnightly service, potentially gathering at a private home


COVID-19 Orange Alert