Building God’s Kingdom

N.T. (Tom) Wright, "Surprised by Hope: Rethinking heaven, the resurrection and the mission of the Church"

Being a Christian is not about saving up brownie points so we can go to heaven when we die. Jesus said "Today you will be with me in paradise" (not heaven).

Rather, having witnessed the bodily resurrection of Jesus (in a body that is as wheat is to its seed), we have a job to do: to build God's kingdom 'on earth as it is in heaven'.

Like a stonemason carving a single stone for a cathedral, we join a construction project that began before we were born, we may never glimpse the architect's plans, and we may not live long enough to see the cathedral completed, but our trust in the architect means that our work is not wasted.

Our mission is to join God's work to bring about peace, justice, beauty, and the Good News to this world, here, now.

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