For your prayer this week
Christ, the living Word, we thank you for the taonga of scripture. By your Holy Spirit, may it always be fresh and life-giving as we read it. May the words be sweeter than honey, and find a receptive home in us.
We pray for the work of the Bible Society of New Zealand, and for all who translate, publish, sell, and spread your Gospel. Continue to open doors for the Gideons so that Bibles might find new homes at opportune moments.
We pray for those we know who are sick or in need of our prayers.
Parish Cycle of Prayer:
We pray for our Children’s Ministry – Leaders, Junior Leaders & young people; local rest homes and those who minister to them; Hill View Christian and Waltham schools.
Diocesan Cycle of Prayer:
We pray for the parish of Heathcote-Mt Pleasant. We pray for Christ’s College and the work of the Anglican Social Justice Commission. We pray for the Anglican Elder Care Group Coordinator.