The nature of change
For your prayer
Unchanging and eternal God, we pray for all experiencing the destabilising nature of change.
Be with the people of Sri Lanka, Italy, the UK and elsewhere as they seek out new political leadership. Give wisdom, integrity, and compassion to those that govern, and may they share your bias for the poor. We lift to you the people of Ukraine, and others who experience war or the threat of violence in their homelands and in their home.
Be with the people of Europe currently experiencing a heat wave. May the vulnerable be protected, and may these groans of creation increase political will and spark renewed urgency in tackling climate change.
We pray for those we know who are sick or in need of our prayers.
We pray for those in Long Term Care.
Parish Cycle of Prayer
We pray for our verger, study/home groups; all who live out their baptism in diverse ways in our parish and beyond; City Council workers and others who care for our local environment.
Diocesan Cycle of Prayer
We pray for the parish of Highfield, Kensington and Otipua. We pray for Christchurch Cursillo.
Recent Prayers