From the Vicar
During the school holidays there will be some builders on site at School, fixing up the junior block toilets. This means that the entrance from Opawa Rd may be a little cluttered with building materials. Where possible, please use the Locarno St entrance for services. If coming through the Cholmondeley Ave entrance, please be careful around any potential trip hazards.
Our Wednesday 10am congregation will be meeting in the School Hall for the next two weeks to avoid any noise disruption from the building work.
Also during school holidays our Simply Scripture group will take a break, returning on Sunday 25th reading some of the deuterocanonical ‘extra’ chapters of Daniel - Song of the three children, Susanna and the elders, and Bel and the Dragon. They’re a rollicking read, and I commend the group to you.
Finally for this week, a head’s up about our joint service on Sunday 25th July. That Sunday serves as both St Anne’s Day and Social Services Sunday. We’ll be celebrating with a joint 10am service along with guest preacher Rev’d John McLister. John is the Vicar of Lyttelton and chaplain to the Mission to Seafarers. He’ll be sharing some of his stories from the sea. Can I encourage you to bring along a cash donation, as all money in the offertory plate that week will go to support the Mission to Seafarers. We’d also love you to bring along some non perishable items for the City Mission’s foodbank that week.