From the Vicar
On the rather wet and windy Tuesday, I managed to make my way to the Christchurch Arena for my second Pfizer jab. Canterbury has been a bit slow in the roll out, so this was the earliest I could get it. Despite a slightly sore arm, It’s a relief to played my part in the rollout, and I’m excited to see the national vaccination rates slowly rise. As I write this on Friday morning, the national statistics show 61% of the eligible population fully vaccinated, and 83% with the first dose.
If you’re a competitive bunch, for the last available data from 12th Oct, Opawa has a 57% double-vax rate, while St Martins is sitting on 53%. Huntsbury are the best of the locals with 61%. The 165 residents up the road at Tower Junction were the best in Canterbury, sitting on 82% fully vaccinated.
If you haven’t been vaccinated yet, I highly recommend it. And if you’re looking for a conversation partner about any hesitations you have, I’d been happy to have a coffee with you. Likewise, if you’ve got some questions, I’m able to point you to some Christian and scientific reflections that are much wiser than my own.
For those that are already vaccinated, are you in a position to assist others in getting access to the vaccine? AnglicanMissions are running the “Get one, give one” campaign, asking for a $10 donation per jab.
I like how the latest St Matthew’s in the City billboard puts it…
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