A recap of 2021…
From the Vicar
It is remarkable what can fit into 12 months, even with all of the changes experienced with global pandemic. Here are some of the key moments in the life of the parish…
• We began the year with a PARISH PICNIC at Risingholme on the 30th Jan. A great way to reconnect with friends as we come back from holiday
• The picnic theme continued with our fundraiser at MERCHISTON. Exploring a beautiful space to some excellent music was a great way to celebrate the start of our building, because
• BUILDING CONSENT was received on the 19th Jan, and HRS BEGAN WORK on the 15th Feb.
• This will (unexpectedly) be our third Christmas at St Mark’s School as we experience some delays on the building project. However, things are looking good for a re-entry date in March or April of 2022. We certainly hope to be back by Easter on April 17th. While it is a long project, it is also an exciting one, with the ST ANNE’S CHAPEL well underway, and much of the rest of the project complete.
• While HRS worked on St Mark’s Church, a good number of parishioners got stuck in next door at a WORKING BEE for 3 Vincent Place. Keep an eye out for something similar in the new year as we farewell our current tenants and prepare the place to welcome some new ones.
• Our Lenten journeys began with ASH WEDNESDAY, disrupted somewhat by the pandemic, meaning the imposition of ashes had to be delayed until the Sunday following. Nevertheless it was good to join in worship with St Martins Presbyterian and to engage deeply with big questions in out Lenten studies using the “Rebuilding Ruins” guide
• Another Lenten discipline was the starting of SIMPLY SCRIPTURE which invited us to hear large sections of the Bible read aloud. My thanks to Adam Heinz who spear-headed this and enabled us to delve deeper into theology with the BOOKMARKS library
• While our FUNDRAISING events had to be amended due to Covid, we nevertheless managed a quiz night, the court jesters, a garage sale, and a Christmas night market. Some fundraising happened because of covid, with masks sold to raise funds for Fiji. Thank you to those that have been giving donations to the chairs. We’ve even had a donation of a baby grand piano for the building!
• LOCKDOWNS loomed large once again, with a short stint back to Zoomed services, and then safety protocols at level 2 for the remainder of the year. It has encouraged us to be more tech savvy, with services now LIVE-STREAMED to Facebook, and a brand new WEBSITE created. (www.osmparish.com)
• The COVID PROTECTION FRAMEWORK is now in place which creates a difficult choice around vaccine passes. The Vicar and vestry have followed Diocesan advice in having vaccine passes required for most services.
• A good deal wasn’t able to happen because of the pandemic. The SCHOOL CENTENARY was postponed twice, as was the FAIR. Our MEALS FOR SIX will have to wait another year, and we weren’t able to have a visit from Waka Hourua.
• St Mark’s SCHOOL has continued to thrive, but we’ve been sad to farewell Tom Gordon at the end of the year. He, and our students did a magnificent job with the production of MARY POPPINS even without an audience. We thank Michael Greenwood for his time on the Board of Proprietors, and we welcome Raewyn Cole as a new member this year.
• Regular MISSION AND MINISTRY has continued with Sunday services, rest-home services, Elder Care, WOPS, a blokes night, phone tree ministry, a not-so-quiet day retreat. Unfortunately, our Wednesday services had to go on hold because of school regulations, but we enjoyed supporting our local cafes instead.
• We have celebrated the birth of Nicholas Pratt
• We have delighted in the Baptisms of Toby Truman, Rebecca and Case Watson.
• We have grieved the passing of David Metcalfe, David Anderson, Flora Osselton, Estelle Wolbers, Ron Hickford, Helen Kitson, Lynette Kelcher, Jack Weston along with other past parishioners, family members, and friends.
My deepest thanks goes to all of you for the gifts you bring to the parish, and more importantly, for the faith you share. It is impossible to name all those who keep the parish wheels turning, but a special thanks is due to Barb and Anna our Wardens and Neil our Treasurer who put in an enormous number of voluntary hours and juggle so much, especially in the midst of building project and pandemic. As we look to a new year, may we find ourselves refreshed in God’s Spirit, eager to experience transformation and regeneration individually and as a parish. God bless you all.
Rev’d Canon Ben Truman
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