Archbishops’ message about Ukraine
From the Vicar
A message from the Archbishops regarding the invasion of the Ukraine:
Rangimārie! Rangimārie! Ahakoa te utu!
Peace! Peace! No matter what the cost!
This was Archdeacon Tiki Raumati's oft repeated korero, speaking out of his people's lived experience of the inter-generation impact of naked aggression and the greed for land.
As the Russian army invades Ukraine without provocation, the world must again defend the innocent. We call on all Christians to pray for the people and leaders of Ukraine and for the people and leaders of Russia. This act of war will create suffering and destruction and will win nothing. We must pray for, and support, world leaders in responding with wisdom, compassion, and resolution for the protection of the innocent and the restoration of justice and peace.
We also encourage you to pray daily for the Ukraine and to participate with the wider church in Pope Francis’s call to make Ash Wednesday, 2 March, a day of prayer and fasting for peace.
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