It’s here!
From the Vicar
Sunday 22nd May – 11am - Moving Day
Thanks to those that have already offered to assist with the shift. Every little bit will help. Every car-load, every short walk around the block with a single precious item, is one more step toward being home. We won’t be doing much unpacking or sorting on Sunday, just getting the bulk of items into one place so that a small team can arrange everything in preparation for…
Friday 27th May – 5:30pm - Gospel Reading with Fish ‘n’ Chips
All parishioners are invited. A small change in order from last week so that our families are able to join in more easily. It would be helpful to get an indication of numbers for food, so please either put your name on the noticeboard or email the office ( We’ll order extra, so please come even if you haven’t RSVP’d
5:30pm – Tour
6:00pm – Dinner (Fish ‘n’ Chips with some GF Pizza. Koha appreciated)
6:45pm – Reading of the Gospel of St Mark
8:30pm – Estimated finish time.
Saturday 28th May – 2pm – Re-opening and Blessing Service with Bishop Peter
This is an invitation-only event to ensure we stay under the fire capacity limit of 240 people. It’s purpose is missional, so we are inviting MPs, School leaders, local clergy from other denominations, archdeaconry colleagues, architect, site workers etc. As RSVPs come back, some extra seats may open up. Please email the office if you’d like to go on the wait list. We intend to live-stream the service and will send out an email with details closer to the time.
Sunday 29th May – 10am – First Eucharist (incl. Baptism)
This is the major celebration as a parish family. It will be the first communion service, first baptism, first Sunday in the space. It is open to any and all, so get inviting!
From here on, all of our services will be at St Mark’s Church, including
Wednesday 1st June – 10am Eucharist
Thursday 2nd June – 8:15am Morning Prayer
Friday 3rd June – 9am School Service
Recent From the Vicar