Divine Office
Liturgies of the Word for Morning, Evening and Night
A New Zealand Prayer Book: He Karakia Mihinare o Aotearoa

Morning Devotion
Morning Devotion on the Lord’s Prayer provides an opportunity for reflection and prayer, with readings from the New Testament.

Morning Worship
Morning Prayer - Morning Worship, Mattins, or the ancient monastic offices of Matins, Lauds, and Prime combined - features the morning canticles the Benedictus, “The Song of Zechariah, Te Waiata a Hakaraia”, and the Te Deum Laudamus, “The Song of the Church, Te Waiata a te Haahi”.

Midday Prayer
Midday Prayer - Diurnum, or the ancient daily offices of Terce, Sext, and None combined - helps us to realise the presence of God at the heart of daily life.

Evening Family Prayer
Evening Prayer together as a family is a good time to mention the activities of each one in the family and the needs of others as well.

Evening Worship
Evening Prayer - Evening Worship, Evensong, or the ancient daily offices of Vespers and Compline combined - features the evening canticles of the Magnificat, “The Song of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Te Waiata a te Puhi Tapu a Meri” and the Nunc Dimittis, “The Song of Simeon, Te Waiata a Himiona”

Night Prayer
Night Prayer - or the ancient daily office of Compline - carries us over the threshold from daytime to night.

Evening Devotion
Evening Devotion on the Lord’s Prayer provides an opportunity for reflection and prayer, with readings from the New Testament.