Collect for the First Sunday of Advent
Come Lord Jesus
Praise and honour to you living God;
your coming will be like a thief in the night,
like lightning flashing across the sky.
Grant that we may be ready,
and our hearts answer, Come Lord Jesus.
Hear this prayer for your love’s sake.
Te whakamoemiti te hōnore ki a koe, e te Atua ora tonu;
tō haerenga mai ōrite ki tā te whānako haere pō,
anō he hihiko uira i te rangi.
Meatia mātou kia tūmau
kia whakautu ai o mātou ngākau,
Haere mai e Īhu te Ariki.
Whakarongo ki tēnei īnoi i runga i tōu aroha.
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