Collect for the Third Sunday in Lent
Bring us to pray again and again
Give us grace and courage to hope, and to risk
Teach us to pray expectantly,
and when our prayers seem to fail,
bring us to pray again and again;
for you are our God,
who acts, and will act again.
Hear this prayer for your love’s sake.
E te Atua, hōmai tōu arohanoa me
tōu māia ki a mātou
kia manakohia te tū kaha i ngā
whakararu pāpōuri.
Whakaakona mātou ki te īnoi i runga
i te ngākau hihiko,
tē taea te tutuki a mātou īnoi, me īnoi
tonu mātou;
ko koe tō mātou Atua, e mahi ana, ka
mahi anō.
Whakarongo ki tēnei īnoi i runga i tōu