For your prayer this week
We thank you for technology that keeps us connected and able to worship together during lockdown. We pray for Synod as your people gather digitally to discern the movement of your Spirit in this diocese.
We thank you for the unity in this team of 5 million, and pray that we might continue to work together for the protection of the vulnerable.
We pray for struggling business owners, essential workers, exhausted parents, lonely folk, political leaders, people longing for an MIQ spot, and all who need to know your presence and peace today.
We pray for those we know who are sick or in need of our prayers.
We pray for those in Long Term Care.
Parish Cycle of Prayer:
We pray for our Wardens, vestry members and parish nominators; St. Mark’s School and local Preschools/Kindergartens; and our youth.
Diocesan Cycle of Prayer:
We pray for Anglican Care and the many facets of its work.
Anglican Elder Care Group Coordinator.
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