Heal divisions in our world
For your prayer
We pray for the people of Westport, once more facing nights away from home and anxious waiting. And we thank you for all those who protect people and property.
We pray for the healing of divisions in our world, so evident in the Wellington protests. Help us Lord, to listen openly, to discern wisely, and to share peaceably. Be with politicians making difficult decisions as they seek to save lives and livelihoods.
We thank you for small simple steps, gracefully taken in service of your Kingdom. Thank you Lord for the fundraiser for Tonga held at St Mark’s School on Friday.
We pray for those we know who are sick or in need of our prayers.
We pray for those in Long Term Care.
Parish Cycle of Prayer
We pray for Anglican Elder Care groups – facilitators, participants & volunteers; local health centres in St. Martin’s; Opawa, Rudolph Steiner and St. Martin’s schools.
Diocesan Cycle of Prayer
We pray for the Diocesan Ministry Support Centre Governance Board, the Church Property Trustees, and the Anglican Centre.
Recent Prayers