Peaceful conversations
From the Vicar
On Sunday 30th Jan in Peshawar, Pakistan, Fr William Siraj was shot dead on his way home from celebrating the eucharist at All Saints. There were in fact three priests travelling together. Another priest escaped without injury while another, Rev Patrick John had a gunshot wound to the hand.
It is a horrifying reminder of the violence and persecution directed at Pakistan’s religious minority. Especially difficult for the congregation of All Saints where, in 2013, a previous terror attack took place leaving 127 worshippers dead and 200 wounded.
While I prayed for those involved when I read of it in, the story soon passed from my mind. Distance has a way of limiting the impact of such stories. However, this week the story returned with a jolt as I got news that the injured priest, Rev Patrick was in fact the brother of the Bishop of Hyderabad, Kaleem John, who I had the pleasure of spending a week with in Rome on a leadership course in 2015. All of a sudden Pakistan didn’t feel quite so far away.
Please pray for Rev Patrick’s safety as he leaves Peshawar to avoid being tracked down as a witness to the crime. And, if you’re able, head to Anglican Missions and donate to the family.
Of course, persecution is not limited to Christians. This week has seen reports of violent clashes in Karnataka State, India where Muslim girls wearing headscarves have been banned from schools despite the freedom of religious expression being defended in India’s constitution. Commentators see it as the latest example of a growing Indian Hindu nationalism
Whilst our world is ever more connected, it seems humanity uses that connectedness to seek out siloed communities and echo-chambers where we hear only that which we wish to hear. The same pattern is seen in the current protests in Wellington where many, it seems, have an entirely different understanding of the pandemic, public health, and politics.
May we, as people called to be peacemakers, have the courage to have peaceful conversations with those we disagree with. May we make our world a little deeper, a little richer, and simultaneously bigger and smaller. And may we do what Jesus calls us to do, and pray for those who we might see as enemies.
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