Humble King
For your prayer
Jesus, humble king riding on a donkey, help us to eschew power. Help us to resist the temptation to put our faith in ’strongman’ style leaders. Help us to welcome you as king of kings and lord of lords. Help us to follow you, even when it takes us to the cross.
We pray for those we know who are sick or in need of our prayers.
We pray for those in Long Term Care.
Parish Cycle of Prayer
We pray for Anglican Elder Care groups – facilitators, participants & volunteers; local health centres in St. Martin’s; Opawa, Rudolph Steiner and St. Martin’s schools.
Diocesan Cycle of Prayer
We pray for Bishop Julius Hall, College House, and their boards of Governors. We pray for Craighead Diocesan School and the Diocese of Dunedin.
Recent Prayers