God, be with us all
For your prayer
God, may your incarnate closeness be felt by all those destabilised by floods this week. Give energy to emergency responders, give hope to those picking up pieces, give wisdom to those in local and central politics as we respond to more regular extreme events. God, heal the sick. Be with those who struggle with lingering symptoms or more severe long-term illness. Be with the dying, that they might find peace in your promises, and grace in the journey. God, be with us all as we experience change in all its forms. Help us to respond to its invitation to growth, or new perspectives. Help us to grieve well the old and celebrate the new.
We pray for Rev’d Mark Sullivan, Vicar of Heathcote-Mt Pleasant, who is on a long road to recovery after a light plane crash.
We pray for those we know who are sick or in need of our prayers.
We pray for those in Long Term Care.
Parish Cycle of Prayer
We pray for our Children’s Ministry – Leaders, Junior Leaders & young people; local rest homes and those who minister to them; Hill View Christian and Waltham schools.
Diocesan Cycle of Prayer
We pray for the parish of Hornby, Templeton & West Melton. We pray for the NZ Church Missionary Society and staff; and the Diocesan Council for World Mission.
Recent Prayers