Prayer for the Vicarage family
From the Office
Kia Ora
Here is your pewsheet for the week.
You will know that Rev Ben is on parental leave. Baby number 3 is due any day. Please pray for the Truman family - the whole family is full of colds and bugs and feeling miserable. They would really like to get better before baby arrives (and probably like to get better quickly anyway!).
Anglican Missions is conducting a survey which they are asking us to do:
Anglican communities and individuals all over the Province are stepping up and supporting mission with generosity and passion.
We'd like to better understand this mission work, and make sure we're supporting each other in the most efficient way possible.
Once we have an idea of the types of mission projects are being supported, we'll create an interactive online map of mission work in our Province. With this interactive map, you can see how mission work is being done and which projects your resources and time are best invested in. It also helps us at Anglican Mission best support you and reduces double ups, inefficiencies and waste. The goal is that we're able to provide a solid foundation that makes mission work as effective as possible, for all of us, together.
Have a great week everyone.
Take care!
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