Vestry Snippets
From the Vestry
Vestry Snippets from February:
We were delighted to share hospitality with our neighbours at Vincent Courts.
A police report has been filed for damage to external unit of heatpump at Vincent Pl.
The Budget for 2022 has been approved.
We received $9587.76 from the Estate of David Anderson, for which we give thanks.
Quotes are being sought for repairs at our rental property.
One incident reported in H&S register – no further action required.
Discussions on how our website can support regeneration by engaging with the congregation; and on ways to promote the worship of God.
Alex Summerlee has been appointed as a Vestry rep on the St Mark’s School Board of Proprietors – he is a former pupil, a lawyer and parishioner at Sumner-Redcliffs.
Recent from the Vestry