Vestry Snippets
From the Vestry
Highlights from April Zoom Vestry meeting:
A discussion was held about when to re-instate the chalice.
Therese finishes as Elder Care co-ordinator on 2 May – we thank her for her service.
Parish Nominators – new Diocesan rules mean all nominators must be on Vestry – Barbara, Anna, Carolyne & Adam appointed.
AGM minutes approved.
Ben thanked everyone who assisted with worship and cared for Vicarage family during their Covid illness.
Neil spoke on adjusting to new financial reporting using Xero, and new auditors.
Work continues at Vincent Place – piles have been replaced, new carpet is down and new heat pumps installed. Next jobs are replacing bathroom and painting.
Church carpark should be sealed this coming week. Carpet tiles have been laid in Office, Foyer & lounge.
Recent from the Vestry