Vestry Snippets
From the Vestry
Highlights from May Vestry meeting:
CCTV policy adopted.
Meredith W has been re-appointed as our cleaner from 1 June
A roster is to be collated so the church can be open regularly - see Anna W if you want to help
We continue to give thanks to all who support the parish financially - our year to date giving is c$3000 less than we have budgeted for. Noted we will have significantly more expenses being back in the building and it may take a wee while to build up hall hire income.
Vincent Place renovations continue - awaiting arrival of gib board for bathroom.
Wilson Room wall requires repairs after being hit by a digger bucket during carpark works.
Emergency evacuation plan approved by FENZ - training to be given.
Still too soon to re-instate the chalice.
Recent from the Vestry