There are traffic lights ahead
From the Vicar
Just as I write this, I have received guidance from the Diocese about what worship might look like under the new “Covid-19 Protection Framework” or the “traffic-light system” as we more commonly call it. Essentially the Vestry, Wardens and myself have two options ahead of us. Quoting from Bishop Peter;
“In the Traffic Lights Framework, the Government invites churches to choose between two options when they hold services (ordinary worship, weddings, funerals) and other gatherings:
Option 1: with a limited number of attendees (100, Green; 50, Orange) without requiring attendees to have a vaccination pass or
Option 2: with an unlimited number of attendees, providing every attendee eligible for vaccination presents a vaccine pass.
With Option 1, those who are vaccinated and those who are unvaccinated are almost certain to mingle together, and it is very likely that some vaccinated persons will choose to stay away from such services and gatherings.
With Option 2, those who are unvaccinated must stay away from such services and gatherings.
Either option potentially excludes people from worship and fellowship, and exclusion is the opposite of the inclusion churches generally seek to foster.
With either option, our Anglican understanding of our duty of care for our people is that we will pastorally care for all. Such care includes access to the sacrament of Holy Communion for the baptised and making available pastoral sacramental actions to those in need of anointing or reconciliation.
There is no option by which all worshippers in all ministry units in the Diocese of Christchurch will be happy with all arrangements made by our churches in compliance with the framework.”
You will appreciate that this is a difficult decision to make. And as Bishop Peter notes, there are no perfect options. The government and diocesan regulations have a good deal more complexity, and specific details will to be worked out for each service, but I thought it best to flag what lies before us as a parish in terms of our response to Covid.
So, I will be meeting with the Vestry soon, and we will think, pray, debate, and decide a way forward. In the preparation for that decision, please feel free to share with me any of your own hopes, fears, and views either in person, on the phone, or via email to
Whatever decision is made, please know that we will ensure that all people have access to worship.
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