Church at the Traffic Lights

From the Vicar

You will hopefully have seen in a separate communication that as of Sunday 5th Dec, we will be requiring a vaccine pass at all of our services.

The difficult decision was made by the Vestry, Wardens and myself on Monday. As I wrote last week, the gift of hospitality and welcome is impinged either way. In deciding one way we have to turn away the unvaccinated. If we’d decided the other way, we would have had to turn away those that arrived after we’d reached a congregational limit of 50 people, not to mention those who would find it difficult to come because of the potential increased risk of a partly unvaccinated congregation. It was a difficult decision.

I ask for your patience and compassion toward the church leadership as we work through some of the finer details of worship in these new settings. And I ask for that same patience and compassion toward those who have differing views on the vaccines. We remain sisters and brothers in Christ, following the conscience gifted to us by God.

Please do continue to contact the Vicar and/or Wardens if you have any questions, concerns or feedback.

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