Planning for Omicron
From the Vicar
Last Sunday, during the 10am service, it was announced that the whole country would once again change its public health settings as we got word of the community transmission of the recent Omicron variant.
What emotions were forefront for you upon hearing the news? I confess for me it was mostly exhaustion, mixed with a little anxiety and a little frustration. This marks the third year with shifting sands and extra work as we plan, re-plan, re-schedule, re-imagine, and change. Whilst I am glad that this strain seems milder, especially for those who have been vaccinated, the announcement still comes as one that brings a raft of changes with it.
What does this mean for us?
Sunday Services: Continue largely as currently. Vaccine passes and masks still required for all services. Singing continues. Communion in one kind. Changes are that 1m social distancing will be enforced and there is now a preference for the disposable surgical masks over cloth masks (parish will provide some of these). We will also look at ways to increase airflow in the hall.
Children’s Ministry: Can continue with some extra protections (more to follow)
Wednesday Services: As I write this we are yet to decide how to proceed. A verbal announcement will be made on Sunday
Digital options: We will continue to live-stream our 10am service to Facebook each week and hold our morning prayer via Zoom at 8:15 on Thu and Fri mornings.
School Services: All school church services will be delivered via pre-recorded message.
Unvaccinated options: I am still happy to lead home communion services. At this stage the Cathedral is still running open services at 12:15pm on Sundays and 12:05 on Tuesdays
In more positive news, this year Ash Wednesday is on 2nd March, and we’ll be looking to begin some Lenten Study groups using the ‘Sentinels’ booklet produced in partnership with the Diocese of Wellington. Please check the noticeboard for details on the times and spaces for these groups. My hope is that we will have a large percentage of the parish connecting with the excellent material. At least one of these groups will be online.
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