Protection and peace
For your prayer
As Jesus was welcomed in the Temple by Simeon and Anna, we pray that we too may identify you and rejoice. Help us to see you in each other, and even in ourselves.
Lord as Omicron makes its presence felt on our shores, we pray for your protection and your peace. Give wisdom to decision makers, give patience to those who must change plans again, give strength to those who work under difficult conditions and give comfort to those who feel anxious and tired as we face another iteration of change.
We pray for those we know who are sick or in need of our prayers.
We pray for those in Long Term Care.
Parish Cycle of Prayer
We pray for our ecumenical neighbours; local businesses; and those who have no-one to pray for them.
Diocesan Cycle of Prayer
We pray for the parishes of Woodend-Pegasus and Woolston. We pray for the NZ Police Force Chaplains.
Anglican Elder Care Group Coordinator.
Recent Prayers