A New Birth in Christ
Firstly, a very warm welcome to the whanau and all who have come to support William’s baptism. It’s a joy to celebrate a new birth in baptism so close to celebrating the coming of the Christ child that is the pattern and power of that new birth.
Secondly, a very warm welcome to those who are assisting with our Nativity play (whether they know it yet or not!) It is nigh-on-impossible at this stage of the year to find time to rehearse with families of young children, and so for the last few years we’ve attempted a no-rehearsal play. It’s pretty chaotic, but also delightful and pretty cute. I figure the first Christmas day had its own fair share of unexpected twists and turns without warning, so a little bit of chaos seems to fit the theme nicely.
Thirdly, a big thank you to those who have assisted with the set-up and running of our Advent activities. Especially to Anna, Nick and Meredith for the beautiful altar display, and to Margrett, Anna P, Anna W, Meredith, Nicola for the chapel stable display. Whilst we haven’t had hoards visiting from the community, it has been very well used by classes at St Mark’s School, and very well received by others who have visited.
Finally, as we head into the end of the year, it might be helpful to be reminded of when our various services wrap-up and re-start. I know some are headed away to visit family for Christmas in the coming week, so if I don’t see you beforehand, have a very blessed Christmas and Holy New Year
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