From the Wardens
From the Wardens
Research has shown that becoming involved with a church community can keep you happier, healthier, and more engaged. Being part of a community helps us grow, supports us in times of need, allows us to accomplish more and helps us learn to love all who come through the door. Each connection reinforces the others and we gain a richer understanding of God's plan.
Here's some ways you can connect:
Meals for the Vicarage family: if you would like to make a meal for the Trumans, or donate some money, please talk to the Wardens. This is a parish gift to make life a little bit easier as they adjust to being a family of five!
Nametags: many thanks to Zoe for making our new nametags. PLEASE wear them - it really does help with learning names (especially with mask wearing). If you can't find one for you, let us know.
David R is looking for a place to park his housebus, with access to power and water. If you know of somewhere suitable, give him a call on 021 023 32442.
Borrow a book from our "BookMarks" library.
Blokes' Night Friday 26 August 7pm at church. Email Nick if you would like to come.
Welcome home to Rev'd Alastair - we hope you had an enjoyable time visiting family overseas.
Enrolments for St Mark's School - if your child is turning five in 2023, the deadline for enrolment is 31 August 2022. Please contact the School Office 332 7339 for details.
MANY THANKS TO Rev'd Neil Struthers, who has led our worship over the last two Sundays, and we also thank our Wednesday lay leaders: Mark, Margrett & Glennys.