Mirpurkhas Hostel Appeal
Supporting the next generation
Republished from Anglican Life
NZ Church Missionary Society
Appeal for $10,000 to support new students at the Hostel
We invite you to stand once again with the Pakistan Church to raise the next generation of community changers. New students are enrolled to start at the hostel as soon as the current lockdown ends, but there are insufficient funds to support their education.
These students come from impoverished backgrounds in remote areas, and the Hostel provides a lifeline for education. The goal is to raise $10,000, which will enable the Mirpurkhas Hostel to commit to supporting this new intake of students.
Wasn’t there an appeal for Mirpurkhas Hotel last year?
Yes! Through an appeal sponsored by Anglican Missions and the Diocese of Christchurch over $27,000 was raised. This generosity enabled the hostel to stay open in the 2020/2021 academic year, despite unexpected but significant financial needs that arose due to the impact of Covid-19. We give thanks to God for all those who gave their support during this time.
How to support
To give to this appeal, visit NZCMS’ giving page.
You can choose to pay either by credit card or by bank deposit.
In the drop-down box “Fund to Support”, select “Overseas Project Support”
In the ‘Provide details here” field, type “Hostel Appeal”
In the “Donations Frequency” field, type “one time”
Fill in the rest of your payments details
Press “donate” to provide credit card details or to receive instructions for bank deposit.
If you have problems making a donation via the nzcms website please email the nzcms office for assistance.
o f f i c e @ n z c m s . o r g . n z
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