Parish Post
Saint Mark’s Church | Saint Anne’s Chapel | Saint Mark’s School
Anglican Parish of Opawa-St Martins
From the Vicar
worship and prayer ought never be confined to a few hours within the four walls of a church
Collect of the day
Open our hearts and minds to truly understand your way of inclusion, that we may know the power of grace and mercy modelled by your Son, and live as reflections of him
Collect of the day
Set our minds and hearts on holy living, that our outward lives may reflect the good news set within us by your call to love
Collect of the day
O God, you have lifted up the lowly, clothing with heavenly splendour the woman who bore Christ, our life and resurrection.
From the Vicar
In today’s reading from John 6, we hear Jesus claiming to be the bread of life - the one who sustains us.
Collect of the day
Nourish us with your living bread of love, that we might share that with the lost, and be raised with you.
From the Vicar
Many many thanks for your support of both the City Mission and the Mission to Seafarers last week.
From the Wardens
Thank you to the Rātā Foundation and the St Mark's School Board of Proprietors for their generous donations to the building fund
Collect of the day
In Christ you shared our sense of heritage and the continuity of the generations; as we remember Anne, the grandmother of your Son, help us to respect our whakapapa and to learn from the wisdom of the old.
From the Vicar
Let me put my cards on the table… I’ve never quite understood the practice of the intercession of the saints. There. I’ve said it. But there must be something to it, given that part of the ancient practice of the church in both the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox faiths is to pray ‘through’ the saints.