Collect for the Second Sunday of Advent
We wait and watch
God for whom we wait and watch,
you sent John the Baptist
to prepare for the coming of your Son:
give us courage to speak the truth
even to the point of suffering.
This we ask through Christ our Saviour.
E te Atua, e tāria nei e titiro nei mātou ki a koe,
i tonoa e koe a Hoani Kaiiriiri
hei whakarite i te ara mō te haerenga mai o tāu Tama;
kia mataara, kia māia ai mātou ki te kōrero i te pono
āhakoa pēhia e te taimaha.
E īnoi ai mātou i roto i a te Karaiti tō mātou Kaiwhakaora.
We continue to cry out for a cessation of violence in Gaza
St Mark’s School New Entrants applications due 31 August this year for children turning 5 next year. See the Vicar for a letter of recommendation for children of parents who are actively involved in the parish.
Community Fair bringing affordable toys, books, china, vintage clothes and more from the Opawa - St Martins Parish.