Bible Readings for Easter
The season of 50 days from Easter Sunday to Pentecost
Te Maramataka
Revised Common Lectionary
Year B
Collect for Pentecost
Send us out in the same spirit
Send us out in the same spirit
E te Atua kaha rawa,
i te hākari o Petekoha
i tukua iho e koe tōu Wairua Tapu ki ngā
hei whakakī i a rātou ki te harikoa me te
ki te kauwhau i te rongopai;
tukua mātou i raro i te mana o taua
Wairua anō
ki te whakaatu i tōu aroha whakaora
ki te whakarauika mai hoki i ngā tāngata
katoa ki a koe;
me te Wairua Tapu,
kotahi anō Atua, āianei, ā, āke tonu atu.
Almighty God,
at the feast of Pentecost
you sent your Holy Spirit to the disciples,
filling them with joy and boldness
to preach the gospel;
send us out in the power of the same
to witness to your redeeming love
and draw all people to you
and the Holy Spirit,
one God now and for ever.
Collect for Easter Day
You are life stronger than death
You are life stronger than death
E te Karaiti Ora, kua ara mai koe i te mate!
Ū tonu ana te aroha!
Ko koe tonu te ora, kaha noa atu i te
whakarewangia ō mātou kanohi kia āta
kitea ai koe
i te aonga ake o te rangi hōu;
mō te korōria o tōu ingoa. Āmine
Living Christ, you are risen from the dead!
Love reigns!
You are life stronger than death;
raise our eyes to see you as the new day dawns;
for the glory of your holy name.