Couples wishing to live in the Christian tradition of marriage may be remarried in an Anglican church after divorce, with the approval of the vicar.
Celebrated in the presence of God
Couples wishing to live in the Christian tradition of marriage may be remarried in an Anglican church after divorce, with the approval of the vicar.
Celebrated in the presence of God
To arrange a christian wedding at St Mark's, please contact the office for consideration by the vicar. Preference will be given to those who are actively living the Christian faith.
Every couple seeking to get married at St Mark’s will have a course of marriage preparation meetings with the vicar to prepare for a Christian marriage.
The first option of marriage liturgy features vows to love, comfort and honor, in sickness and in health, forsaking all others.
The second option of marriage liturgy features vows of “Wherever you go I will go. You are my Love.”
The third option of marriage liturgy features vows that “Whatever life may bring I will love and care for you always”
Couples wishing to live in the Christian tradition of marriage may be remarried in an Anglican church after divorce, with the approval of the vicar.