Nine Lessons and Carols
- St Mark's School Hall 33 Cholmondeley Avenue Christchurch, Canterbury, 8023 New Zealand (map)
First Lesson: Genesis 3: 8–15; 17–19 (NRSV)
God tells Adam that he has lost the life of Paradise and that his offspring will bruise the serpent’s head.
Second Lesson: Genesis 22: 15–18 (NRSV)
God promises Abraham that in his offspring shall all the nations of the earth be blessed.
Third Lesson: Isaiah 9: 2; 6–7 (NRSV)
The prophet foretells the coming of the Saviour.
Fourth Lesson: Isaiah 11: 1–3a; 4a; 6–9 (NRSV)
The peace that Christ will bring is foreshown.
Fifth Lesson: Luke 1: 26–35; 38 (NRSV)
The angel Gabriel salutes the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Sixth Lesson: Luke 2: 1; 3–7 (NRSV)
St Luke tells of the birth of Jesus.
Seventh Lesson: Luke 2: 8–16 (NRSV)
The shepherds go to the manger.
Eighth Lesson: Matthew 2: 1–12 (NRSV)
The wise men are led by the star to Jesus.
Ninth Lesson: John 1: 1–14 (NRSV)
St John unfolds the great mystery of the Incarnation.
Vaccine certificates are required for all adults attending worship, weddings, funerals, or community events held at Saint Mark’s School.
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Services this week
Light is a powerful symbol that represents everything that is in opposition to the darkness that we experience as humans. Light is a symbol of the presence of Christ, the hope (trust) that we have in Jesus and the Good News, that which he both proclaims and embodies in human form.
Creation, law and heart are made perfect and united through God in which we are to be active participants.
Beginning the year, with an excerpt of a letter from Corraine Haines, from the City Mission, in regards to the Back To School programme