From the Vestry
Snippets from the October Vestry meeting:
Emma Tovey joined us to share her observations of our Children's Ministry, and to suggest some recommendations.
We have received a small grant from the Council to assist with hosting a neighbourhood party at Vincent Courts on 30 January.
We continue to give thanks for the sound financial position we are in, including receiving a significant bequest, and many generous donations for the repair fund.
A maintenance fund for our buildings will need to be established.
It is pleasing to see a high use of masks at our services.
The parish received $767.24 from Court Jesters evening, and $698.50 from jewellery auctioned after combined May garage sale.
A combined Christmas Twilight Market is being planned for Friday 10 December 5-8pm at St Martins Presbyterian.
Ongoing discussions are being had about a realistic target for missions giving.
Curtains have been ordered for the Wilson Room & Lounge.
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