For your prayer this week
A Prayer for All Saints and All Souls Day
And if ever there was evidence of the wry genius of Catholicism its right here, with these two days of prayer and remembrance, back to back. The first acknowledges, up front and publicly, that we pray for saints known and unknown – the latter faaaaar outnumbering the former; and how true and real and honest this is, for there are and have been millions of saints who trudged along humbly beneath immense loads, sharing their mercy and cheer and song and food and drink and courage and hope with everyone they met, and now their names are as dust; but we remember them today, and thank them, and ask their mercies on the tumult of the world; as we sing also the saints we know, the brave testy ones, the quiet ones who saw what we could be and spoke us closer to that bright country. And then the next day we pray for all those who have gone back into the Dream from which they came, all the billions of holy beings who strove and struggled and soared or sank; all of them our brothers and sisters, all of them our teammates on the road to light; we pray even for the worst among them, those blinded by blood, that Your mercy drowned their evil, washed them of their sins, and set them to work in Your vineyard, from which all blessings flow. This we pray in the Name of the One Who came among us, and took our form, and draped His incomprehensible soul with the flesh and bones of a young teacher; may we someday reach the house where He waits for us all. And so: amen.
Doyle, Brian. A Book of Uncommon Prayer: 100 Celebrations of the Miracle and Muddle of the Ordinary. Notre Dame: Sorin Books, 2014.
We pray for those we know who are sick or in need of our prayers.
We pray for those in Long Term Care.
Parish Cycle of Prayer:
We pray for our ecumenical neighbours; local businesses; and those who have no-one to pray for them..
Diocesan Cycle of Prayer:
We pray for the parishes Opawa-St Martins and Oxford-Cust. We pray for the Anglican Missions Board.
Anglican Elder Care Group Coordinator.
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