It’s good to be home
I’ll be writing plenty in the weeks to come about my sabbatical, but this week let me say that I re-join this community with a sense of profound blessing.
Each week during the last three months I’ve headed to a different church with the family, and each time I’ve been reminded of how blessed I am to be able to seek God and His Kingdom with the wonderful people of Opawa-St Martins.
I’m also aware, on the back of sabbatical, of the value of good research and data. Next week (6-12th August), I’ll be asking you all to fill in a Church Life Survey (both digital and paper copies available). This is being run nationally in collaboration with all denominations in order to get a better sense of the health and desires of the church both locally and nationally. It will take some time to complete (12-15min or so), but will give some really helpful information for us.
The more people who can fill in the survey the better, so please make it a priority, even if you’re not at worship next week.
From the Vicar
Parish Officers
Parish Governance
The executive team of Vicar, churchwardens and treasurer meet constantly on parish business.
Parish Groups
Worship leaders, lay readers, servers, ushers, greeters, flower arrangers, cleaners, counters, intercessors and cup bearers all join together to support the service.
The Kingship of Christ holds the place of ultimate authority over all aspects of human life.
God is portrayed throughout the psalter as being the protector, in a way that no human is able.
Casting a shadow over a lot of religious thought is the concept of judgement.
Community Fair bringing affordable toys, books, china, vintage clothes and more from the Opawa - St Martins Parish.