Vicar of the Anglican Parish of Opawa - St Martin’s
Chaplain of Saint Mark’s School, Opawa
A Vicar’s Responsibilities:
Spiritual leadership - preach, proclaim and teach the Christian faith within the Anglican tradition.
Hold the keys of the Church, organise regular church services, music, and bell ringing.
Share people’s joys and sorrows, encourage the faithful, remember the lost, heal and help the sick.
Co-ordinate Sunday School and education in the parish
my hopes and prayers for this community
Some (good and bad) News
how blessed I am to be able to seek God and His Kingdom with the wonderful people of Opawa-St Martins
I’m very happy to relieve in this place while Ben has a sabbatical. Depending on what role and what metaphor you use I am, for rugby players, the substitute, for cricketers I’m the 12th man, for musicians this is a 12 week gig, or for those teachers I am a reliever!
If someone has borrowed (and finished reading) Peter Bouteneff’s book "How to be a Sinner", could you please return it to the Book Marks library as the Vicar would like to borrow it for a book club.
Our body has rhythms for day and night, our earth changes with the seasons, and in God’s grace one of the commandments is to set aside a day and make it holy, thereby giving us this weekly rhythm of holy work and holy rest.
Today’s readings are about temptation, desire, and FOMO. But they are also about the supreme grace of God. It is hard to be tempted when we already have all that we would ever need.
Walk with Jesus to Jerusalem, to the upper room, to the garden, to the cross, and finally to the empty tomb
It has been a harrowing week
Three names for one day
A new year has begun, and you know that that means…
It never ceases to amaze me just how much can be packed into 12 months.
It’s a joy to celebrate new birth in baptism so close to celebrating the coming of the Christ child.
Shine a different light on a familiar story
From 3-5pm daily from 11-18 December we will have a nativity back drop which people from the community can come and take photos in.
“Jesus is Lord, and Caesar is not.”
No matter where we have come from, in baptism we are made worthy…
The gathered bishops [at Lambeth Conference] will be responding to some ‘calls’ to action for the church… like this one on climate…
…our liturgical calendar offers so many options for what to celebrate on any given Sunday. Today is one of the days where we have a plethora of options. And being a little indecisive, I’m keen to celebrate all of them!
Lambeth: They have asked for our prayers and they will certainly need them.
It’s a somewhat un-nerving and discombobulating time.
God reveals that perfection requires a level of diversity and relationship…
Whoever you are, wherever you have come from, nau mai, haere mai ki tenei whare karakia…
Parish Officers
St Mark’s School New Entrants applications due 31 August this year for children turning 5 next year. See the Vicar for a letter of recommendation for children of parents who are actively involved in the parish.