
Sundays in Lent

Our garden is showing that we are experiencing a change in the seasons, from summer to autumn. This change isn’t something that we can ignore or stop happening, its part of the rhythm of life. It’s an opportunity for the oaks and poplars to offer glorious golds and reds as they prepare to shed their leaves.

Change is part of our lives. We cannot stop and stay in just one moment of time in our lives. It’s also part of our spiritual journey. As people of faith we don't have a moment of arriving, we have a life of journey. During this journey we experience a huge variety of challenges and opportunities.

We are called to live in the moment using the insights gained from our past experiences so that we can step into whatever the future brings. Our Christian faith reminds us that God is with us through all seasons, even at those times when we are not aware. You and I are profoundly loved.

So we give thanks.

Have you noticed: 40 Days of Lent

Lent is a journey of 40 days. It starts on Ash Wednesday and Easter is the journey's destination.

The number forty is found in many biblical stories. 40 days Moses spent on Mt Sinai with God, 40 years the Hebrew tribe wandered the desert, 40 days Elijah walked on Mt Horeb, and 40 days of rain for the flood of Noah.

Jesus retreated into the wilderness for 40 days to explore how he should exercise his ministry. In these days he was tempted and found his answer through scripture.

You may notice that Sundays are not counted in the 40 days as each one is considered "mini-Easters" where Christ's victory over sin through his life, death and resurrection are celebrated.

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Fourth Sunday in Lent