Precious Memories
I write this letter with a deep sense of gratitude and many precious memories.
You have welcomed me into your community and your homes. You have offered hospitality through the worship we have shared and the cuppas we have enjoyed. You have shared some of the most important stories about how things and people have helped shape you as individuals and as people who seek to follow Jesus.
Thank you for allowing me to share with you in parish life.
You are a collection of people young and old who give voice to the story of God’s abundant love and forgiveness freely given. We have gifts of compassion and encouragement and community to offer in a world that is tempted to value things according to control and rules and money.
Brenda comes to be your priest in charge. She brings gifts and insights that will help enrich. I know you will welcome her and give her the space and time to share those gifts and insights.
My apologies for those mistakes I’ve made. Just continue in your faith to build on the good we have created in the spirit of love and peace.
God calls each of us to be present for others that they too may know something of the divine, something of the kingdom of God in their lives.
Kia kaha - stay strong
Have you noticed: Baptism
Baptism is a primary sacrament (along with the other one of Holy Communion). In Holy Scripture we read that we are instructed by Jesus to undertake both.
Baptism is the way we belong in the church. Being born is the way we belong in a family and our whanau.
Both are gifts from God.
Neither being born or baptism can be earned or bought. They are there to be received.
How we use the gifts of baptism or life depends on those who surround us and upon the choices we make.
The way we use our gifts will help give examples that will help others to use their gifts in a way that brings life and love.
From the Vicar
“May the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the Love of God and the Fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all. Amen” (NZPB p52).
Will we make the choice to live as those who love the way of God and therefore find the depth, refreshment from the true source of life? Or do we choose a life of being blown around in the breeze avoiding the true source of life that provides us with rootedness, security and life?
Isaiah has been called by God to bring the people to account for their actions. They had turned away from God and that was being shown in how they were treating their brothers and sisters. Isaiah recognises his own faults and he is forgiven by God.
Parish Officers
Parish Governance
The executive team of Vicar, churchwardens and treasurer meet constantly on parish business.
Parish Groups
Worship leaders, lay readers, servers, ushers, greeters, flower arrangers, cleaners, counters, intercessors and cup bearers all join together to support the service.
“May the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the Love of God and the Fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all. Amen” (NZPB p52).
Will we make the choice to live as those who love the way of God and therefore find the depth, refreshment from the true source of life? Or do we choose a life of being blown around in the breeze avoiding the true source of life that provides us with rootedness, security and life?
Isaiah has been called by God to bring the people to account for their actions. They had turned away from God and that was being shown in how they were treating their brothers and sisters. Isaiah recognises his own faults and he is forgiven by God.
Community Fair bringing affordable toys, books, china, vintage clothes and more from the Opawa - St Martins Parish.