Parish Post
Saint Mark’s Church | Saint Anne’s Chapel | Saint Mark’s School
Anglican Parish of Opawa-St Martins
Help us to be steadfast
Just as Mark was brave in continuing to follow you after set backs…
Collect for Easter Sunday
Alleluia, God Eternal; death cannot contain your glory, nor our mind confine this mystery…
The “A word”
Alleluia! Christ is Risen! He is Risen indeed! Alleluia!! Our 40 days of fasting move to 50 days of feasting …
Guide the peace talks
…may your presence guide the peace talks taking place, and may it guide the international response…
Collect for Refreshment Sunday
God, faithful and loving, though we lose our way you seek us and call us back…
Give us grace for our tasks
…in the ministry which you have given us we may be instruments of your love…
The Anglican Choral Tradition
Anglican choral music barely existed outside the high church cathedrals from the height of the reformation to the Oxford Movement's embrace of hymns ancient and modern. Sumptuous reproductions of the pivotal music highlight the influences of the sacred and profane, continental and insular trends, and political pressure on the development of the Anglican choral tradition.