Parish Post
Saint Mark’s Church | Saint Anne’s Chapel | Saint Mark’s School
Anglican Parish of Opawa-St Martins
Vigil for peace
…we agreed to a call to prayer for Peace in Ukraine, next Friday 25 March, 2022…
Losing your salt
"How did modern evangelicalism lose its balance? How did some behaviour fall into an accountability category while other distractions remained unaddressed and therefore socially and religiously acceptable?"
Collect for the 1st Sunday in Lent
Holy God, tested by the evil one, your Son did not yield…
Archbishops’ message about Ukraine
We call on all Christians to pray for the people and leaders of Ukraine and for the people and leaders of Russia…
Prayer for Ukraine
You have made us stewards of the earth and guardians one of one another…
Collect for the 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Holy Spirit, grant us who serve your Church to mend what is spoiled…
Help us find practices that bring life and deepen faith
…help us find practices that bring life and deepen faith…
Collect for the 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time
God of welcome, we encounter you in those different from us…