Parish Post
Saint Mark’s Church | Saint Anne’s Chapel | Saint Mark’s School
Anglican Parish of Opawa-St Martins
Collect for 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time
God of resurrection, where there is death, you bring new life…
Collect for 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time
God our true wealth, may we be faithful in things both small and great…
Collect for 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Rejoicing God, you pursue us more than we seek after you…
Collect for 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
God of gentleness, you give up all to be with us…
Collect for 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Celebrating God, in the humble Christ you take the lowest place among us…
God, be with us all
God, may your incarnate closeness be felt by all those destabilised by floods this week…
Collect for 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time
Redeeming God, you draw us all to you through love rather than law…