Parish Post
Saint Mark’s Church | Saint Anne’s Chapel | Saint Mark’s School
Anglican Parish of Opawa-St Martins
Collect for 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time
God of fire and water, your searing justice has set alight the earth…
From the Wardens
Research has shown that becoming involved with a church community can keep you happier, healthier, and more engaged…
Collect for 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time
God our treasure, the reign of your love and justice is your gift…
Collect for 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Generous God, you give us many gifts to lead us into the fullness of life…
Calls from Lambeth Conference
The gathered bishops [at Lambeth Conference] will be responding to some ‘calls’ to action for the church… like this one on climate…
Collect for St Anne
…help us to respect our whakapapa and to learn from the wisdom of the old…
The nature of change
Unchanging and eternal God, we pray for all experiencing the destabilising nature of change…
All of the celebrations this week
…our liturgical calendar offers so many options for what to celebrate on any given Sunday. Today is one of the days where we have a plethora of options. And being a little indecisive, I’m keen to celebrate all of them!
Instruments of Communion
Lambeth: They have asked for our prayers and they will certainly need them.
Collect for the 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Help us not to be so worried and distracted by many things that we forget the one thing we need.