St Anne

Kia ora whānau

Here is the pewsheet for the week.

Remember that it is St Anne's Day on Sunday so there is no 8am service. There is a combined service at 10am followed by morning tea - if you are able to bring a plate that would be much appreciated.

[Oops - forgotten notice for pewsheet - sorry everyone!]

1st Fridays - On the first Friday of each month in school terms the Pastoral Care team is planning to offer hospitality to our school families following the school service. The inaugural event will be on Friday 2 August around 10am in the Chapman Lounge. The aim is to provide morning tea and a space for parents and caregivers to build connections with each other and the parish, and offer a playspace for preschoolers. Please speak to Brenda or the Wardens if you might be able to provide baking for this.

Take care


From the office

Parish Officers

Parish Governance:

Parish Groups


From the Office

Parish News


18th Sunday in Ordinary Time


16th Sunday in Ordinary Time