A 12-week Gig
Reliever, substitute, 12th man
From the Priest-in-charge: Rev’d Mike Hawke
It’s a privilege for me to be part of your parish life for the next twelve weeks or so.
Patsy and I had our first flat upon getting married down Opawa Rd. Being brought up in Mackworth St I’m very familiar with this part of town so it’s nice to be in familiar surroundings.
Patsy and I have just spent 6 weeks towing our caravan right up to the top of the North Island as far as Cape Reinga.
On the way we spent time in Doc Camps and Motor Camps and a bit of freedom camping along magnificent beaches on the East Coast and then we crossed over and came down via Dargaville, crossed over again and went to the Coromandel Peninsula with a memorable trip out to Port Jackson, which was closed when we arrived. However, in true Kiwi style, we opened the gate and spent the night there.
We ventured south as far as Cape Palliser which looks out onto Cook Strait. We had a really enjoyable time exploring that part of the Southern North Island. It rained most of the time, most days, but the difference was the temperature: very rarely below 21 degrees, so it was quite bearable for us Mainlanders.
Patsy and I and our children had some wonderful sabbaticals. And it’s for that reason that I’m very happy to relieve in this place while Ben has a sabbatical. Depending on what role and what metaphor you use I am, for rugby players, the substitute, for cricketers I’m the 12th man, for musicians this is a 12 week gig, or for those teachers I am a reliever!
Whatever it is, I’m thrilled to try and add value to your ministries and your parish and know that you will also add value to my ministry as we partner together. We do it in the name and the power of the risen Jesus Christ our Lord.
In his service, Mike
From the Vicar
Parish Officers
Parish Governance
The executive team of Vicar, churchwardens and treasurer meet constantly on parish business.
Parish Groups
Worship leaders, lay readers, servers, ushers, greeters, flower arrangers, cleaners, counters, intercessors and cup bearers all join together to support the service.
“May the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the Love of God and the Fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all. Amen” (NZPB p52).
Will we make the choice to live as those who love the way of God and therefore find the depth, refreshment from the true source of life? Or do we choose a life of being blown around in the breeze avoiding the true source of life that provides us with rootedness, security and life?
Isaiah has been called by God to bring the people to account for their actions. They had turned away from God and that was being shown in how they were treating their brothers and sisters. Isaiah recognises his own faults and he is forgiven by God.
Community Fair bringing affordable toys, books, china, vintage clothes and more from the Opawa - St Martins Parish.