Faith and Doubt
Thomas is the first person in the Gospel to address the word God directly at Jesus.
This (old) ending of John’s gospel is what the writer of John has been working towards from the very beginning of the Gospel. “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was God”.
Thomas with his doubts says a big yes to that statement that Jesus is Lord and God.
So often we have doubts - they come to us particularly when we are frightened and exposed to something different. Our faith doesn’t ask us to keep every thing the same.
As an Easter people we journey with the Love that isn’t defeated even by death. Its Love that brings us peace even through our doubts and challenges.
Have you noticed:
The Cross leads the procession
In front of the procession of worship leaders is the cross. It happens both at the beginning of the worship and the end of the worship and reminds us that we all follow the way of Christ who through his life, death and resurrection leads us towards God. It is Christ who has called each person to worship. It is Christ who calls us to leave worship and with the Spirit of God return to our homes, our work and our leisure and be the people of unstoppable love. The Cross reminds us of God's abundant love, a love that cannot be contained or stopped even by death.
From the Vicar
The Kingship of Christ holds the place of ultimate authority over all aspects of human life.
God is portrayed throughout the psalter as being the protector, in a way that no human is able.
Casting a shadow over a lot of religious thought is the concept of judgement.
Parish Officers
Parish Governance
The executive team of Vicar, churchwardens and treasurer meet constantly on parish business.
Parish Groups
Worship leaders, lay readers, servers, ushers, greeters, flower arrangers, cleaners, counters, intercessors and cup bearers all join together to support the service.
The Kingship of Christ holds the place of ultimate authority over all aspects of human life.
God is portrayed throughout the psalter as being the protector, in a way that no human is able.
Casting a shadow over a lot of religious thought is the concept of judgement.
Community Fair bringing affordable toys, books, china, vintage clothes and more from the Opawa - St Martins Parish.