12th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Written By Opawa-St Martins Parish
Kia ora whānau
Here is the pewsheet for the week.
Don't forget that this Sunday is the last chance to sign up for the Matariki Mid Winter Meal!
Also remember that the trucks from City Mission will be at the church tomorrow to take any donations you may have.
Take care
From the office
Parish Officers
Parish Governance:
The executive team of Vicar, churchwardens and treasurer meet constantly on parish business.
Parish Groups
Worship leaders, lay readers, servers, ushers, greeters, flower arrangers, cleaners, counters, intercessors and cup bearers all join together to support the service.
Opawa - St Martins
Featured Events:
Community Fair bringing affordable toys, books, china, vintage clothes and more from the Opawa - St Martins Parish.