Living Faith
Last year many people from around the Diocese went to a conference on ‘Leading Your Church into Growth’ and came away very excited by the potential for deepening faith and discipleship in their parishes. To follow up on that conference the Diocese has arranged the ‘Living Faith Diocesan Conference’ on Saturday 26th October (Labour Weekend).
We are keen to send a team to this and invite you to consider coming to it; the parish will pay for those attending from Opawa St Martins. Here is what the Archdeacon for Regeneration and Mission says about it:
Diary it now to be part of this special opportunity for the whole Diocese to gather for spiritual growth, worship and encouragement, with inspirational guest speakers. Bishop Eleanor Sanderson will share about discipleship – what it is, how we can grow as disciples of Jesus, and how we can all get better at making new disciples. Other speakers and a panel will share the day, and there will be a conference stream for children. So, come! Whatever your age, and whatever your stage - whether exploring faith, new to faith or mature Christian. Register through the Home Page of the Diocesan Website, scanning the QR code on the poster or postcards, or following this link Fully catered. Cost is $40 but anyone under 18 is free! Christchurch Boys High School Auditorium.
We need someone to be our Conference Champion for St Mark’s; encouraging enrolment, organising transport and being the ‘go to’ person – if this sounds like you, please speak to Brenda or the Wardens.
From the Vicar
The Kingship of Christ holds the place of ultimate authority over all aspects of human life.
God is portrayed throughout the psalter as being the protector, in a way that no human is able.
Casting a shadow over a lot of religious thought is the concept of judgement.
Parish Officers
Parish Governance
The executive team of Vicar, churchwardens and treasurer meet constantly on parish business.
Parish Groups
Worship leaders, lay readers, servers, ushers, greeters, flower arrangers, cleaners, counters, intercessors and cup bearers all join together to support the service.
The Kingship of Christ holds the place of ultimate authority over all aspects of human life.
God is portrayed throughout the psalter as being the protector, in a way that no human is able.
Casting a shadow over a lot of religious thought is the concept of judgement.
Community Fair bringing affordable toys, books, china, vintage clothes and more from the Opawa - St Martins Parish.