Captured by a sense of wonder
People have always taken a keen interest in the starry skies. The constellations have been, and still are, a source of wonder. In Psalm 8 we read, ‘When I behold your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars which you set in place, what is humanity that you should be mindful of us? Who are we that you should care for us?’ It is difficult to be outside on a starlit night and not be captured by a sense of wonder.
Over the last few years we have been given the opportunity to consider the stars anew, as we became aware of the feast of Matariki and as it was recognised as an important celebration for our country. Each of the stars has a different meaning but together they all bring an awareness of the importance of our natural world and our need to preserve it, and a reminder of those who have gone before us and those that we share this world with now.
It is good to contemplate our sense of place in the cosmos and our membership of the human race; we inherit it from those who have lived before us and, at Matariki, we remember those who will receive it from us. Let us think about our stewardship of this earth and of the faith we will also hand on.
From the Vicar
In the Middle Ages Mary's Song inspired the Feast of Fools celebrated after Christmas usually around New year. This feast was a literal acting out of the Magnificat as a rather strange way of witnessing to God’s kingdom that inverts human power structures and raises up the oppressed to places of honour.
We are to give up our insatiable desire to consume and replace it with the expectation of the coming of Jesus.
Advent is a time of reflection and preparation for when time will end and Jesus will come in power and glory bringing our waiting to completion.
Parish Officers
Parish Governance
The executive team of Vicar, churchwardens and treasurer meet constantly on parish business.
Parish Groups
Worship leaders, lay readers, servers, ushers, greeters, flower arrangers, cleaners, counters, intercessors and cup bearers all join together to support the service.
Beginning the year, with an excerpt of a letter from Corraine Haines, from the City Mission, in regards to the Back To School programme
In the Middle Ages Mary's Song inspired the Feast of Fools celebrated after Christmas usually around New year. This feast was a literal acting out of the Magnificat as a rather strange way of witnessing to God’s kingdom that inverts human power structures and raises up the oppressed to places of honour.
Regular Summer Sunday Services
We are to give up our insatiable desire to consume and replace it with the expectation of the coming of Jesus.
Community Fair bringing affordable toys, books, china, vintage clothes and more from the Opawa - St Martins Parish.