Supporting the City Mission
Thank you for the support shown for the City Mission last Sunday when Corinne Haines, the City Missioner, spoke at our services. She gave sobering figures of the demand on the Mission’s programmes and services but also spoke with passion at all that is being done for those in need and with appreciation for the help given by so many to enable them to operate.
The appointment of the Revd Simon Green as the new Priest-in-Charge from the 1st October for a period of two years offers the parish some certainty on leadership. I will enjoy remaining with you until Simon begins his ministry.
Our gospel this Sunday tells of the death of John the Baptist, an episode that doesn’t reflect well on any of those who had a part in it. At each step someone could have refused to take part and John wouldn’t have been killed, but no-one did so for reasons that included selfishness, hate, or pride. Among other things, the story is one that challenges us to ensure that our reasons for anything we do will stand up to scrutiny of God (and others) and will never hurt the life of another.
From the Vicar
The Kingship of Christ holds the place of ultimate authority over all aspects of human life.
God is portrayed throughout the psalter as being the protector, in a way that no human is able.
Casting a shadow over a lot of religious thought is the concept of judgement.
Parish Officers
Parish Governance
The executive team of Vicar, churchwardens and treasurer meet constantly on parish business.
Parish Groups
Worship leaders, lay readers, servers, ushers, greeters, flower arrangers, cleaners, counters, intercessors and cup bearers all join together to support the service.
The Kingship of Christ holds the place of ultimate authority over all aspects of human life.
God is portrayed throughout the psalter as being the protector, in a way that no human is able.
Casting a shadow over a lot of religious thought is the concept of judgement.
Community Fair bringing affordable toys, books, china, vintage clothes and more from the Opawa - St Martins Parish.